
By: Richard Fein

Nothing to Gain and Everything to Lose by Staying in Afghanistan

After two decades of fighting, and two trillion dollars spent, a simple cost-benefit comparison cannot justify a continued military occupation of Afghanistan.... read more



By: Jack Goldsmith and Samuel Moyn

Ending the AUMFs Isn't Enough, We Have to End the Wars

As Congress debates limiting or repealing the Authorizations for Use of Military Force, it's important to remember that until we dismantle the empire's global military footprint, our endless wars are likely to continue.... read more



By: Charles A. Kupchan and Douglas Lute

General Lute: Treat Afghanistan Likes Its 2021, Not 2001

Ret. Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute and Processor Charles Kupchan explain why it's imperative that the U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan by May 1, and why conditions in 2021 are secure enough to not require military occupation.... read more



By: Daniel L. Davis

After 30 Years, Come Home From Iraq

It was wrong to invade Iraq in 2003, and it was a mistake to go back in 2014. We must finally correct these errors and bring our troops home now, writes ret. Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis.... read more



By: Congressional Office of Mike Gallagher

New Push in House of Representatives to Repeal Outdated AUMFs

In this press release, Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin), Jared Golden (D-Maine), Peter Meijer (R-Michigan), and Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia) announce their introduction of a resolution to repeal the 1957, 1991, and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force.... read more



By: Adam Weinstein

Reneging On Afghan Withdrawal Plan Puts Lives of U.S. Soldiers In Danger

Adam Weinstein, a Marine who served in Afghanistan, says the United States must keep to the May 1 withdrawal deadline, or we will see an increase in soldier's deaths throughout the summer.... read more



By: Christian Britschgi

Scandal: Pentagon Has Been Lying About Troop Numbers in Afghanistan

By January 20, 2021, on orders of the President the number of troops in Afghanistan was meant to be down to 2,500. It was revealed this week that due to fudging the numbers, the actual number of American soldiers in Afghanistan is 3,500.... read more



By: Daniel DePetris

The Constitution is Crystal Clear on War Powers

While some proponents of executive supremacy will try to rewrite history (and the Constitution), Dan DePetris makes clear in National Review that the Founding Fathers intended Congress to have authority over war powers.... read more



By: Danny Sjursen

Joe Biden Must Stop Endangering U.S. Soldiers

Ret. Major Danny Sjursen, who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, explains how the military's continued presence in Iraq and Syria, where they're coming under rocket attacks, puts their lives at risk for no discernable gains for American safety.... read more



By: Sean McFate

How the Military-Industrial Complex Robs You

The F-35 combat aircraft is the most expensive weapons program in history, costing $1.7 trillion. And it doesn't even work. Why does the government allow the weapons industry to rob the American people blind?... read more



By: Lawrence Wilkerson

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Says We Must Break the War Party

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, describes the unfair, corrupt system that enriches the powerful while sending the financially maligned to fight their wars.... read more



By: Mike Gooding

Senator Learned About Biden's Syria Strikes 'On the News'

Despite being an influential member of both the Senate Armed Forces Committee and Foreign Relations Committee, Tim Kaine learned about President Joe Biden's airstrikes on Syria through the news media, demonstrating how little Congress is consulted about our endless wars.... read more



By: Kathy Gannon

Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Lost in Afghanistan, Report Concludes

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has concluded that billions of dollars allocated for buildings and vehicles in Afghanistan were lost to waste, fraud, and abuse.... read more



By: Mark Hannah

Americans Favor Trump's Negotiated Withdrawal From Afghanistan By 6 to 1 Margin

For years, Americans have overwhelmingly supported bringing our troops home from Afghanistan. That includes following the withdrawal timetable negotiated by President Trump. Ending our endless wars isn't only good policy, but good politics too.... read more



By: Don Bolduc

General Don Bolduc: Bring Our Troops Home From Afghanistan

Ret. Brigadier General Don Bolduc tosses out the bad advice of the Afghan Study Group, and recommends staying the course and withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 1. ... read more



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