Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis Defends Integrity of U.S. National Guard

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  • Source: Youtube
  • 03/09/2021

On Tuesday night, Laura Ingraham of Fox News addressed the attacks levied at the U.S National Guard by politicians and members of the media, who accuse these military units of being incubators for political extremism and potential terrorism. There have been calls for investigations and the expulsion of men and women whose political opinions fit certain "undesirable" profiles.

Ingraham was joined by ret. Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, a senior fellow with Defense Priorities, to defend the integrity of National Guard volunteers.

"There are allegedly 27 people [with military experience] who are accused of doing something illegal with the Captiol riots a couple weeks ago, and two-point-something million Americans who are on active or reserve duty. There are 18 million Americans who are veterans," Davis said. "And to suggest that because [of] a tiny handful...we need to go and check on each individual I think is a way big overstretch and frankly an insult to the troops that we have."

"These are patriotic Americans, the vast majority of them who are sacrificing to serve our country and deserve our thanks. They don't deserve to be checked into like they're doing something wrong," continued Davis.

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